Hye !

This is the english version of my french blog "Les mimines malines de Mouse Quosto". Please forgive my possibly mistakes. If I make some, feel free to gently correct me in the comments ! ^^

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Shell collection

On partage nos expériences sur un sujet donné. Ces deux derniers mois nous devions travailler avec l'extrudeur ou clay gun pour les anglophones.
Je me suis servie du tuto "pixelated retro blend cane" de Bettina Welker. Voilà le résultat : une paire de boucles d'oreille creuses et des tortues.
Forum polymair de rien (french forum) has a new concept for a few months : le "creuse ton neurone"! (we could translate by "bang your heads together"). We share our experiences on a particular topic. These last two months. This time we were working with extruder gun.
I used the tutorial "pixelated retro blend cane" of Bettina Welker. Here is the result: a pair of earrings hollow and turtles.

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Edit: If you want to see the creations of others participating in the"creuse ton neurone", it goes on "parole de pâte" !

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