Hye !

This is the english version of my french blog "Les mimines malines de Mouse Quosto". Please forgive my possibly mistakes. If I make some, feel free to gently correct me in the comments ! ^^

Monday, February 27, 2012


Two months later !!

Then, always with the same color palette, I made skimming stones ...


I have problems with the finishes ... My pendant plate broke when I transferred to the parchment paper before cooking. And varnish I use is pretty ugly. But it is new! I still have a whole pot. It's full of bubbles. I will change the brush and may be trying to dilute it.
Drilling my plate necklace has also given me a hard time. I should train more.


  1. Super bien réussi ce montage, moi aussi je suis en stand by ?

  2. Très joli ton montage, j'aime beaucoup les tons de bleu que tu as utilisé :)
    J'en profite pour te dire que je t'ai taguée pour un petit jeu sur mon blog, si tu as un peu de temps et bien sûr envie de participer, n'hésite pas !! Bon weekend à toi ;)

  3. très joli ... j'aime beaucoup ton montage et les coloris !!!
